To immerse consumers in a full sensory display that showcases the quality and added benefits of your product with real world demonstrations.

girl wearing shirt


  • Showcase the higher level of quality your glove offers over the competition
  • Have a safe and fun way to engage and educate the audience
  • Encourage consumers to touch, see, feel the difference your product offers


  • Thickness test: samples of leather with a small artifact behind it to show the extra protection and comfort vs the competition
  • Strength test: Stretch and pull on your glove vs competitor glove
  • Comfort Test and Dexterity: pick up small items, grip a bar, and flex the hand to feel the difference the gloves second skin can have versus the competition

Why we like this idea

We don’t want the same piece of equipment that is intended to protect us to also inhibit our range of motion or dexterity. We want you to have the upper hand over the competition by allowing consumers to try the glove out in a variety of different tests that will showcase the benefits of your glove in real world experiences.

Empress utilizes its foundational roots in technology to create innovative and engaging conference booths, event tours, social media compaigns and other on-location and digital program activities.

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