Digital Testimonial Wall

If your brand favorability is high, there is an innovative way to use your customer’s high opinion of your brand to increase brand awareness. Showcasing testimonials provided by existing customers is interactive way to relate to new customers and embrace the existing support your company has among customers. Why not allow your customers make a marketing pitch for you?

If your brand favorability is high, there is an innovative way to use your customer’s high opinion of your brand to increase brand awareness. Showcasing testimonials provided by existing customers is interactive way to relate to new customers and embrace the existing support your company has among customers. Why not allow your customers make a marketing pitch for you?


  • Create a display which invokes curiosity and encourages guest interaction
  • Utilize current customers as word of mouth marketers to promote your product
  • Make potential customers realize they will join a community by investing in your brand
  • Promote the product to new consumers through the use of actual testimony in a creative manner


  • Video wall displays testimonials, zooming/animating in on specific random testimonials so they can be easily read. The backdrop is a “sea” of testimonials that cannot be read but emphasize to the viewer the large amount of testimonials.
  • Visitors who want to contribute to the testimonial wall can visit a brand ambassador for who has a tablet.  After the brand ambassador moderates the message, it is “sent to the wall” and appears immediately zoomed in, then after a moment animates back to the “sea” of testimonials.
  • Video wall is supported by a surrounding print backdrop, containing branding and the module’s vision statement.

Why we like this idea

The interactive components of our testimonial wall concept are easy to use, allowing for quick navigation through hundreds of testimonials.

Visitors experience visual illustrations of how your product affects current customers and how your brand plays a role in their life. New customers adding their own testimonial will witness it join the sea of existing testimonials, providing a satisfying feel of joining a larger community of like-minded individuals!

The hardware and software investment is balanced out by the reduced manpower needed to run this activation–a single brand ambassador can run our module with relative ease.

Empress utilizes its foundational roots in technology to create innovative and engaging conference booths, event tours, social media compaigns and other on-location and digital program activities.

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